Saturday, March 7, 2009

I've always wanted to start a blog. I don't know why...maybe it's because I simply think way too much, and feel the need to put it all down and don't have the patience to hand write it. Or maybe it's because everyone else in the whole entire world has a blog as well, and I just wanted to see what the hype was. I'm thinking it's more along the lines of the former, but, in any case, I made a blog.
As I mentioned before, I think way too much. About myself. But it's about myself in a totally non-conceited, what-am-I-doing-with-my-life kind of way. I mean, you would think, being fourteen and all, I wouldn't be so concerned with how my life is going to turn out. Most people at my age are just concerned with friends and having fun and being kids. But I, I see myself as grown up. I'm not interested in going out every weekend. I don't have a best friend. In fact, there are very few people I like and want to be associated with. I want to travel, I want to go places, I want to learn to speak languages and not in a school setting. I want to live and to love and to be carefree but yet responsible at the same time. I want to be artistic and scholarly and beautiful inside and out and I want people to like me. It's so frustrating to live in Ocala and have nothing, no opportunties, no experience exposure or worth. I feel like I'm wasting my childhood and that if I were to be somewhere else, in a better situation, then things could be so much better for me. Don't get me wrong, I live in a great home, my parents love me, I have two brothers that are decent and I've done some amazing things. I'm in the IB program and I get a decent education, but the school I go to is horrible and it's small and the campus is ugly and some of the people there are just not the people I want to be associating myself with. But other than that, I live a decent life. A more than decent life. And I appreciate everything I have, and everything I've done, but I just feel that life could be so extraordinary! And I always forget that I'm not even through with my second year of high school and probably couldn't do anything extraordinary being so young, anyways. I can't wait til I'm 18!

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